App Development with Flutter | 2.5 Months

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About Course

The fully job-oriented Dart and Flutter course covers a comprehensive range of topics essential for building professional-grade mobile applications. Students will delve into Dart programming fundamentals, mastering concepts like asynchronous programming, object-oriented principles, and error handling.

In Flutter, learners will explore UI design and layout techniques, state management patterns, API integration, and testing strategies. Real-world projects, including an e-commerce platform and a healthcare management system, provide hands-on experience in developing complex applications from start to finish.

By completing this course, students will emerge with the skills needed to pursue lucrative careers as Flutter developers, equipped to tackle diverse challenges in the mobile app development industry.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Dart programming fundamentals for building robust mobile applications.
  • Advanced Flutter concepts including UI design, state management, and API integration.
  • Real-world project experience with complex applications like e-commerce platforms and healthcare management systems.
  • Testing strategies to ensure the quality and reliability of your Flutter apps.
  • Skills essential for launching a successful career as a Flutter developer in the dynamic mobile app development industry.

Course Content

Basics of Dart

  • Syntax and semantics
  • Variables and data types
  • Operators
  • Control flow statements (if, else, switch, loops)

Functions and Scope

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Collections and Iterables

Asynchronous Programming

Error Handling


Libraries and Packages



Testing in Dart

Dart for Web Development

Introduction to Flutter

UI Design and Layout

State Management

Working with APIs and Data Persistence

Testing and Deployment

Real World Projects

Placement Assistance

Internship Opportunity *

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